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Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays - de Michael Oakeshott (Author)

Caractéristiques Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays

Le paragraphe ci-dessous montre les informations supplémentaires du Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays

Le Titre Du LivreRationalism in Politics and Other Essays
Sortié Le1991-01-01
TraducteurZaynah Nardos
Quantité de Pages450 Pages
La taille du fichier38.07 MB
Langue du LivreFrançais et Anglais
ÉditeurENC Press
Format de DocumentPDF AMZ EPub BMP XML
de (Auteur)Michael Oakeshott
Nom de FichierRationalism-in-Politics-and-Other-Essays.pdf

Télécharger Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays Livre PDF Gratuit

In five essays including three on historiography one of the greatest minds in English political thought in the twentieth century explores themes central to the human experience the nature of history the rule of law and the quest for power that is intrinsic to the human condition

Le sue opere principali sono Experience and Its Modes 1933 Rationalism in Politics and Other Essays 1962 On Human Conduct 1975 e The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Skepticism apparso postumo nel 1996

In Defence of Objectivity and Other Essays Routledge Studies in Critical Realism Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec 5 de réduction

I would suggest that you read Rationalism in Politics by Michael Oakshott or virtually anything byabout the works of Issiah Berlin John Gray Gray’s Anantomy 2009 provides brief and clearly written analyses of these two thinkers

Rationalism in Politics and other Essays Indianapolis Liberty Fund 1991 De la conduite humaine trad franç d’Olivier Sedeyn Paris PUF 1995 The Politics of Faith and the Politics of Scepticism Yale University Press 1996

Thus Marx uses the term ‘postmaterialist rationalism’ to denote the role of the poet as artist Neoconstructive feminism holds that the State is capable of significance

The Optimum Quantity of Money and Other Essays University of Chicago Press Friedman M A Schwartz 1963 A Monetary History of the United